Last updated - May 14th 2024

For provisions regarding usage beyond data protection, please refer to the Terms of Use.

Data Protection on this Website

The protection of your data is important to us, therefore we only use the data necessary for the respective services provided.

Use of Personal Data for Informational Purposes Only

This website does not use cookies or third-party services. However, even during purely informational use of the website, the following data is transferred from your browser to our web server and recorded, for example, in access logs:

  • Timestamp of access
  • IP address
  • Requested webpage
  • Metadata transmitted by the browser (User Agent, operating system, language, any other HTTP headers transmitted by the browser)

This data can be stored in server logs for up to one year.

This website uses HTTPS to ensure encrypted data transmission.

Use of Personal Data when Using Extended Functions

If you use forms, chats, etc. on this website to get in touch, the data you enter will be stored and processed by us for the purpose of contacting you.

Data Protection in the Noisehund App

The Noisehund App is intended solely for use by corporate customers in the energy supply sector and offers an offline mode where no data is transmitted, and a linked mode where the recorded measurements are transmitted to the Noisehund Portal.

In Offline Mode without a Company Account

Without linking to a company account, the app functions completely offline on the mobile device and does not transmit any data; all recorded data remains exclusively local on the mobile device.

Linked with a Company Account

All points described in the following section apply only when the app is linked with a company account. All data transmitted from the Noisehund App to the Noisehund Portal is encrypted via HTTPS.

Data Regarding the Device and the User

The Noisehund App is not intended for the processing of personal data of either the mobile device user or other persons related to noise source detection.

When a link to a company account is created, the assignment is made via a technically unique key. The Noisehund App does not access data on the mobile device (contacts, file system, photos, etc.) that is not captured by the app itself.

The technical data of the mobile device (operating system, device model, app version, app installation date, technical characteristics) are transmitted to the Noisehund Portal for two purposes:

  • For informational purposes in the overview of linked devices in a company account.
  • To assist with error diagnosis and resolution.

When linking the mobile device to a company account, it is possible to enter a note for the linked device. This is intended to simplify the management of assigned mobile devices in the Noisehund Portal.

Furthermore, when data is transmitted to the Noisehund Portal, technical connection data such as IP addresses and HTTP headers are transmitted. These are not specifically collected but are logged for a maximum of two months as part of IT operations.

Collection of Standard Measurement Content

With the Noisehund App, measurements can be taken, and the following data is included in a measurement and transmitted to the Noisehund Portal in this form:

  • Numerical measurement data (level of noise signal over time)
  • Timestamps in the measurement data and timestamp of the measurement itself
  • Photos of the noise source device taken by the user
  • User-entered: Name of the noise source device, any comment for further description of the noise source (device)

It is the responsibility of the app users to avoid intentional and unintentional capture of personal data and to take appropriate measures (e.g., covering names or geographically identifiable features when taking photos, not providing personal data in descriptions).

Use of Standard Measurement Content

Unless otherwise agreed, this data is directly viewable on all devices linked with the same company account as a history of noise source investigations, and in the corresponding company account in the Noisehund Portal, available to all users with access to this company account.

Unless otherwise agreed, this data is also available to all users of all company accounts to assist with noise source investigations (for automatic detection of noise sources). The Noisehund Portal takes the following measures to prevent the spread of sensitive data:

  • Removal of timestamps
  • Removal of metadata in photos

The software developer of the Noisehund App may also use this data, unless otherwise agreed, to improve the Noisehund offering concerning noise source detection (e.g., through statistical analyses, machine learning, etc.).

Unless otherwise agreed, the recorded measurements are stored indefinitely.

Additional Measurement Content

It is optionally possible to enable the capture of additional data for measurements/noise source investigations and for mobile devices for a company account. If sensitive or personal data is involved, a separate agreement is required.

Deletion of Standard Measurement Content

Deletion of standard measurement content, once it has been transmitted to the Noisehund Portal, currently must be requested from support. If standard measurement content has been transferred to other mobile devices, final deletion cannot be guaranteed (e.g., if a device remains offline).

Data Use in the Noisehund Portal (= Server)

The Noisehund Portal ( is intended solely for use by company customers; account creation by private individuals is not permitted.

In addition to the data described above, collected on the website and Noisehund App, the following additional uses of personal data apply to the Noisehund Portal (

For logging in to, Microsoft’s Azure Active Directory B2C identity solution is used. When you create an account, the data collected during the initial login and any login changes (email address, username, first name, last name, country, password) are stored and processed by Microsoft in a European data center. These user data can also be deleted upon request.

The same user data is also stored in the Noisehund Portal.

All data in the Noisehund Portal is processed and stored on servers in a European data center of Hetzner Online GmbH. All data contained in the Noisehund Portal can be viewed for support purposes by employees of the manufacturer.

Collection of Personal Data for Business Operations and Support Purposes

When using Noisehund products as a licensee, Christoph Stichlberger Software Solutions, as the manufacturer, collects the data necessary for contract fulfillment, customer support, and quality assurance, such as contact and billing data, support records, user and licensing data, etc., and also as far as the user has given consent. When using our support, data transmitted to us (texts, screenshots, technical data, etc.) is stored for processing your request.

The data is stored for seven years according to legal requirements and beyond that, as necessary for contract fulfillment and asserting legal claims. After this period, personal data will be anonymized or deleted.


Data Security

We use technical measures to ensure data security, particularly to protect your personal data from dangers during data transmission and from third-party access or loss. These measures are adapted to the current state of technology.

Your Data Protection Rights

Regarding your data stored with us, you have fundamental rights to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation, and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have been otherwise infringed, please contact the contact person listed below. Furthermore, you can lodge a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority.

Contact person

Responsible for data proection: Christoph Stichlberger

+43 699 81 84 14 53